What’s so special about Straya.Rocks?

What’s so special about Straya.Rocks?

G’day mate. Welcome to our pad here at Straya.Rocks! You might be wondering, ‘Why should I support and shop at this business?’. Well, let us tell you a little outback origins story…

Reading What’s so special about Straya.Rocks? 3 minutes Next Top 15 Aussie Slang you've probably never heard of

Okay, technically there is no outback in this story, but we are talking about a figurative outback. The kind of outback in your soul that leaves you dry, baked and scorched like the rubber on a Sydney western suburbs hoon’s tyres. You see the last two years, Australians have been stretched like a kangaroo pouch filled with 12 joeys… Okay, that never happens, but I digress.

Remember the Australian fires of Dec 2019 - Jan 2020? Those monster ones that basically required firefighters from all over the world to come and help, have killed off millions of precious wildlife and caused the deaths of multiple citizens? Oh yeah, that was a shocker. Well our nation haven’t even gotten the fires completely under control when bloody Covid broke out. To say that the Australian spirit and identity have been put through the ringer, is defo an understatement...

Crickey, let’s get back to the 'WHY', before we bloody get worked up again.

You see, Straya.Rocks is run by people who have fallen in love with the Aussie spirit. From its people, our unique and hilarious slang, our mateship culture, our can-do digger attitudes, our generosity, entrepreneurial spirit, our uniquely hilarious humour, our contagious love for fun and adventure, our beautiful and diverse landscapes and incredible natural beauty, our unique wildlife… the sunburnt country with its multiplicity of people and ancient cultures. Aussies are a pretty special bunch of people! Despite our diversity in origins from all over the world from those whom have made this lucky country their home and those who have been here for generations, there is a unique, true blue Aussie spirit that have taken a knock the last 2-3 years. 

A cause for celebration 

Straya.Rocks is a shop who’s heart is to restore, celebrate, unite, highlight, encourage unity and bring you the best and trendiest in true blue Aussie inspired gear. It’s more than just another online Aussie gift store, it’s a statement. When you wear our products you wear the identity, the quirks, the hopes and dreams of our lucky country and our creativity on display. You wear proudly Australian. You wear the voice and soul of the tribe Down Under in celebration of everything that makes this nation so great.

Straya.Rocks is proudly Australian owned and operated and aims to become Australia’s biggest and most loved online Aussie inspired gift store. A place where you can buy the trendiest T-shirts in remembrance of your Down Under adventures or simply get someone else a proudly Australian gift that celebrates our beautiful country.


Giving back

To give back Straya.Rocks, supports the CFS Foundation (cfsfoundation.org.au), a South Australian charity supporting Volunteer Firefighters and their families with care and financial support needed in the line of active duty. They play a key role in protecting our glorious land, its vegetation and creatures, and our beautiful people.

Happy shopping mate!


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